While there’s no way to predict when a hurricane will hit, you can take some steps to be prepared. When preparing for a hurricane, don’t forget about your landscape. Identifying potential risks in your residential landscape design could save you a great deal of stress if a storm threatens our state. Working with one of the many reputable landscaping companies in New Jersey can help you make the best landscaping choices for all seasons and weather circumstances. In the meantime, here is a checklist to reference for sustainable landscape design as hurricane season heads our way.
Sustainable Landscape Design Checklist
Choose the right trees and plant them in the right places.
Trees are a common cause of damage to homes after a storm or hurricane. Any one of the local landscaping companies in New Jersey will tell you that some trees are more prone to storm damage than others. Those that have a tendency to fall in high winds are shallow-rooted in soft soil and end up getting uprooted. Carefully consider the type of tree you choose as part of your residential landscape design, but don’t forget the importance of location. Understanding such characteristics as the mature height of a tree can serve to avoid potential interference with power lines and buildings. It’s also important to inspect all of your existing trees for signs of root rot or butt rot. Discolored foliage or a generally unhealthy appearance may be signs of rotting tree that should be removed, especially if it’s close to your home.
Select salt-tolerant species of plants.
Did you know that after Hurricane Sandy, whether or not plants survived or died largely depended on their salt tolerance? According to many landscaping companies in New Jersey, inland gardeners who weren’t used to preparing for hurricanes experienced a great deal of salt damage as the hurricane carried salt spray over many miles. A professional landscaper can help you select species that are more tolerant to salt on leaves, roots and stems.
Prune often and throroughly.
Pruning is a great way to make your yard look nice, but it also plays a key role in sustainable landscape design. There are many ways to shape your trees in to make them more resistant to the damage of high winds. Plus, removing damaged branches promotes healthy growth. When preparing for a hurricane, trim any trees with branches close to power lines. Thinning your trees’ foliage allows wind to pass through freely, reducing the potential of uprooting.
Reduce storm hazards.
When a storm or hurricane is on the way, be sure to clear any clutter from your yard. Strong winds can whip up potted plants, grills, toys and furniture, so it’s best to secure them in a garage or other indoor area.
Use soft mulch.
What kind of mulch is best to use when preparing for a hurricane? While rocks or pea gravel along pathways or in flowerbeds look attractive, it’s best to replace those materials because they can become projectiles in high winds. To avoid this, consider using shredded bark or other kinds of soft mulch instead.
Hopefully we won’t have to deal with an active hurricane season, but it’s best to start preparing for a hurricane just to be safe. Contact one of your local landscaping companies in New Jersey to discuss how sustainable landscape design can save your residential landscape design. This can save you the stress of last-minute scrambling to protect your property.